The Spider Cave

Boxing: Gloves and Gel Wraps

Posted on: March 7, 2013

I had about £150 on Argos card waiting to be spent. Because at the end of this week, the points would get destroyed. Last time I bought a scale and a heater for myself. Then mum said we need an iron but time was running out and she didn’t even talk about it so I said F-it and I went and bought a camera and boxing gloves. These are for kick boxing aka Muay Thai. The ones in the club are so sweaty that it makes you puke. So I waited for a couple weeks to see if I even like the sport as my goal is to lose a bit of weight. I really do like it so I decided to buy my own gloves. And here they are. In black and white at £25.


They fit well for an adult and are 14 oz. Good for a punch or a jab. They are pure leather and it has a nice feeling to it.


Now for the gel wraps, I really love these pair of gloves or gel wraps. You can ideally wear them beneath the gloves.


The wrist wraps are pretty good. Don’t tighten them too much though. The gloves fit well and you can do press ups and general work out wearing them. You can even wear them when you are on your bike or something. Really good.


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