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Posts Tagged ‘the Wheel of Time

478) The Wheel of Time #6

Finally they plan to leave but Egwene wants to go too and the gleeman. They leave and find a Draghkar following them.

477) The Wheel of Time #5

Moiraine heals Tam and tells Rand to pack up cuz they leaving. Rand is having nightmares. Finally he says good byes.

476) The Wheel of Time #4

Rand makes it to Emond’s field but Nynaeve, the wisdom, cannot help Tam. She says its too late. Rand has to go to Moiraine Sedai so she can heal him.

475) The Wheel of Time #3

Rand trudges through the woods with his father on a stretcher, injured. His father, Tam, talks about Kari and Avendesora and Laman’s pride.

474) The Wheel of Time #2

Tam shows Rand his sword. Trollocs attack the farm house and they escape to the woods. Tam is hurt. Rand goes back and kills a Trolloc shockingly.

473) The Wheel of Time #1.5: Peddler and the Gleeman

Padan Fain arrives in the town bringing some disturbing news of battles and a false Dragon. A gleeman arrives too preparing himself for a performance.

442) The Wheel of Time book 14: A Memory of Light

Author : Robert Jordan

Date (I read) : 5.7.13 to 18.7.13

Length : 909 Hardback page (I read most on e book although I have the hardback)


Finally finally finally after six years of reading I have completed this hell of a journey. Here it is, the final volume in this gigantic series which is called The Wheel of Time. The final volume is called A Memory of Light.

First of all, let me slap those guys who say ‘the final book is rushed’. It is not. Only the rushed bit I feel was the very ending. The epilogue. There should be a bit more to it. The rest of the novel was superb. I can’t even explain it.

The whole novel was a HUGE climax to the whole series. This is where the forces of Light strike the forces of Shadow. This is it. This book is the Tarmon Gai’don.

Probably the best book I have ever read. It carries emotion in little sacks which come right at you as you turn the pages and discover something new. Perrin and Mat shone through the entire book. Rand, Aviendha, Elayne and every single body was marvellous. Even Min, haha. Egwene was the star. She stole the show. She had my heart in tears.

Very carefully written, the battle scenes were perfect. You feel like the Light was losing then some hope then lose then hope. It was a rollercoaster. I really loved it.

About the ending, I think there should have been more words on it. I would love to read what would happen to certain characters and how would events roll out. I would definitely love to read more novels in the future of it. There is always some scope for it no matter what the author says.

Overall it was an amazing experience. Really touching and emotional. I would rate it 10 out of 10. I was blown away because it passed my any expectations. Every single theory, every piece, every character fitted in the jigsaw and made this story complete.

After six years, finally I feel there is no tugging.

441) The Wheel of Time book 13: Towers of Midnight

Author : Robert Jordan

Date (I read) : 5.6.13 to 5.7.13

Length : 941 paperback pages


Well, one step closer. Here we are. Just one more novel to go and it has been one hell of a journey. This novel is good but compare it to The Gathering Storm, it is somewhat lacking. Obviously the whole novel is a set up to the final novel, the final battle. I could not find fault in this novel except a little bit of dragging of Perrin’s storyline. Just the first half of it but it is all good in the second half where he kicks ass.

As we all know this novel is more about Perrin than anyone else. How he masters the wolf inside himself and how he slays his one enemy. But it doesn’t make you feel that way. It makes you feel that every character has done a little bit work here. Egwene makes a progress. Rand does something incredible which is my favourite moment of the novel. Galad gets a bit and I’m started to like him. Rodel Ituralde is the man I love in this novel. He seriously made me cry. And most of all how can we forget Mat, Thom and the other guy going to the tower to save Moiraine. The whole scene was emotional and intense.

It is a good novel overall. I really loved it. The good thing about this novel is everyone gets a bit and the characters develop as well as setting it up for the big finale. I said all the same things before too so I won’t bore you now.

I would rate this novel 8 out of 10.

440) The Wheel of Time book 12: The Gathering Storm

Author : Robert Jordan

Date (I read) : 25.5.13 to 5.6.13

Length : 825 paperback pages

Duration: read in 35 hours 28 minutes over 11 sessions.


I finished this marvellous novel pretty quick. Why? Because it was so damn good. Every page of it. I mean it and it will be fun reviewing. And this is going to be a spoiler free review.

Well first of all nice red colour. I loved it. I wish there was some art in it as those American ones have but I like the red colour. The start was a bit slow for me. Mostly the prologue. You know how it drags. Yes. Rodel does his work and all that.

But chapter 1, it goes interesting as we take a tour of the world travelling with the wind. Some people say the events roll out too fast. Well in my opinion, it wasn’t fast because Brandon had focused on two major characters and those are Rand and Egwene. And boy did he work on them. I say Brandon has put his heart writing this. I so much enjoyed it. Even more than Jordan. I know I shouldn’t say this because it is Jordan’s creation but Brandon did a wonderful job. I’m so glad it got in the right hands. I’ll talk about it shortly.

So the story revolves around Rand trying to gather the forces of the world under a banner and kill any Forsaken if he meet them midway. His main mission is to unite the nations so his struggle continues. Then something happens in the middle and he changes completely. He becomes this icy cold man with no emotion. Even Nynaeve dare not speak to him. This particular part in the book was amazing.

But the most interesting was Egwene. Egwene, who I love the most. She is my favourite character out of the whole series. Her struggle and her passion to get the White Tower whole is so amazing. The character development is just superb. You just feel for her and then feel amazed at how much she is putting in it. A couple of specific moments will always stick in my head and in my imagination and I love that. That is Brandon’s trick. He gets the images in your head.

Now let us talk about Brandon Sanderson and his writing. I haven’t read any of his other books. I really loved his writing style. You just want to dive deep into it and it grabs you, make its way in your imagination and form these images which will stay forever. It is like you are watching a movie. I have to say that every chapter was epic in this book. Every single one of them. Even smallest events were written like very powerful and epic. Something Jordan lacked, I have to say.

Anyways this was a fun and quick read and I would rate this book 8 out of 10.